Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Using Such…That MCQ Questions With Answers

Hi friends and my dear students in this post I covered  English grammar Such - That MCQ Questions with answers. Here I am sharing  10 sentences of using such - that  MCQ questions and also provided the answers in the form of Bold. The bold sentences are answers. You can use these using such - that  MCQ with your children and friends for practice to get a better understanding. 
Using "Such - That MCQ Questions - 2
Using "Such - That MCQ Questions - 2

10 Such…That MCQ Questions With Answers

1. He is a good speaker. He is appreciated by all.
A) He is such a good speaker that he is appreciated by all.
B) He is such a good speaker that he appreciated by all.
C) He is such good speaker that he is appreciated by all.

2.  It was a bad experience. It shocked all of us.
A) It was such a bad experience that it shocked all of us.
B) It was such bad experience that it shocked all of us.
C) It was such a bad experience it shocked all of us.

3.  Titanic was an interesting movie. Many people watched it.
A)  Titanic was such an interesting movie that many people watch it.
B) Titanic was such an interesting movie that many people watched it.
C) Titanic was such interesting movie that many people watched it.

4. The boy asked a very foolish question. Everybody laughed at him.
A) The boy asked such foolish question that everybody laughed at him.
B) The boy asked such a foolish question that everybody laughed at him.
C) The boy asked such a foolish question that everybody laughed him.

5. The man spoke with a great passion. All listeners were moved to tears.
A) The man spoke with such a great passion that all listener were moved to tears.
B) The man spoke with such a great passion that all listeners were moved to tears.
C) The man spoke with such great passion that all listeners were moved to tears.

6. It was a hot day. Nobody could do any work.
A) It was such a hot day that anybody could do any work.
B) It was such hot day that nobody could do any work.
C) It was such a hot day that nobody could do any work.

7. It was a very interesting story. I read it in one sitting.
A) It was such an interesting story that read it in one sitting.
B) It was such an interesting story that I read it in one sitting.
C) It was such interesting story that I read it in one sitting.

8. He used very bad words. I couldn’t help but slap him.
A) He used such bad words that I couldn’t help but slap him.
B) He used such bad word that I couldn’t help but slap him.
C) He used such bad words that I could help but slap him.

9. The boy has very fine manners. Everyone likes him.
A) The boy has such fine manner that everyone likes him.
B) The boy has such fine manners that everyone like him.
C) The boy has such fine manners that everyone likes him.

10. Russia is a big country. It has eleven time zones.
A) Russia is such a big country that it has eleven time zone.
B) Russia is such big country that it has eleven time zones.
C) Russia is such a big country that it has eleven time zones.
Note: The Bold sentences are answers 


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