Friday, November 4, 2022

One-word substitutions A Complete Guide

Hi friends and my dear students! I Came with a new topic  One-word substitutions A Complete Guide. After reading this article, You surely understand and learn the list of One-word substitutions. My Humble request is to share this post with your children and friends. 

One-word substitutions A Complete Guide
One-word substitutions A Complete Guide

One-word substitutions List

Words that replace a group of words or a full-sentence effectively without creating any kind of ambiguity in the meaning of the sentences are called one-word substitutes. The main purpose of using one-word substitutes is to express the idea precisely and accurately.

For example

1. Today he has become an icon of simplicity, uncompromising quality, and fairness, apart from being a philanthropist.

2. He became a pioneer of India's software industry and started the Information technology wave.

What is the meaning of a philanthropist? A philanthropist is one who devotes his service or wealth for the love of mankind.

Who is a pioneer? Pioneer is a person who is the first to study and develop a particular area of knowledge, culture, etc.

You have observed that the meaning of a group of words is substituted with a word as in sentences (1) and (2).

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Let's look at some more one-word substitutes.

Fatalist                      A person who believes in fate

Centenarian             A person who is above hundred years

Omnipresent           One who is present everywhere

Mercenary                A person who can do anything for money

Misogynist               One who hates women

Monogamy               The practice of having one wife or husband

Autobiography        A life history written by oneself

Biography                A life history written by somebody else

Honorary                  A position for which no salary is paid

Ambiguous              A sentence whose meaning is unclear

Inimitable                 That which cannot be imitated

Theist                        One who believes in God

Spendthrift               One who spends too much

Teetotaler                 One who abstains from alcohol

Incorrigible               A person or thing that cannot be corrected

Intellectual                A person of good understanding, knowledge and reasoning                                     power                             

Versatile                    One who possesses many talents

Epitaph                     Words inscribed on a tomb

Polyglot                    A person who knows many languages

stop over                  A short stay between two places in one's journey.

Publisher                  A person who brings out new books.

Trilogy                       A group of three films that has the same characters or subject.                                                       

Portal                         An impressive entrance to a building.

Detractors                A person who tries to make something less good by criticizing it.

Colossus                  A person who is extremely important or large in size.

Culprit                       A person who is responsible for a problem or a crime.

Manuscript               A handwritten document.

Dictum                     A statement that expresses something people believe is true and is   to be followed.

Verbose                    A quality of having full of words.

Didactic                    Something designed to teach people some moral.

Agnostic                   A person who is not sure about the existence of God.

Aesthetics                A branch of philosophy that studies the principles of beauty in art.

Fall out                      A result of a situation or of an action.

Documentary            A film that gives facts about something.

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Match the following one-word substitutes with their meanings.

 Part – A                                            Part – B

1. Theist                     (           )          (A) one who spends his time and money for others.

2. Fatalist                   (           )           (B) one who abstains from taking alcohol

3. Misogynist              (           )           (C) one who believes in God

4. Teetotaler               (           )          (D) one who hates women

                                                           (E) one who believes in fate

     (F) one who is the first to study and develop a particular             area of knowledge, culture etc.

 Part – A                                           Part – B

1. Omnipresent         (           )          (A) one who knows many languages

2. Centenarian          (           )          (B) one who possesses many talents

3. Spendthrift            (           )          (C) one who hates women

4. Linguist                 (           )          (D) one who is present everywhere

                                                         (E) one who is above hundred years

                                                         (F) one who spends too much

 Part – A                                            Part – B

1. Mercenary             (           )           (A) one who possesses many talents

2. Intellectual            (            )           (B) one who can do anything for money

3. Versatile                (           )           (C) one that cannot be corrected

4. Incorrigible            (           )           (D) one who spends his time and money for others

                                                           (E) one who knows many languages

                                                           (F) a person of good understanding, knowledge and

                                                                 reasoning power

 Part – A                                             Part – B

1. Monogamy            (           )           (A) that which cannot be imitated

2. Honorary               (           )           (B) a sentence whose meaning is unclear

3. Ambiguous            (           )           (C) a position for which no salary is paid

4. Inimitable               (           )           (D) a life history written by three persons.

                                                           (E) a person or thing that cannot be corrected

                                                           (F) a practice of having one wife or husband

Part – A                                             Part – B

1. Autobiography       (           )           (A) Words inscribed on a tomb

2. Biography              (           )           (B) a life history written by somebody else

3. Epitaph                  (           )           (C) a perfect example of something

4. Epitome                 (           )           (D) a life history written by three persons.

                                                            (E) a life history written by oneself

       (F) a statement that expresses something people                       believe is true and is to be followed.



  1. Can u click the link:ự-án-nâng-cấp-hệ-thống-báo-cháy-tự-động-từ-tầng-3

  2. The article "One-word substitutions: A Complete Guide" provides a comprehensive list of terms that succinctly replace longer phrases, enhancing precision in communication. For instance, it defines a 'philanthropist' as someone who devotes their service or wealth for the love of mankind, and a 'pioneer' as a person who is the first to study and develop a particular area of knowledge or culture. This resource is valuable for anyone looking to enrich their vocabulary and express ideas more efficiently.


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